I've been working a little more on my little utility for fixing files to play on the SX servers from Tightrope Media Systems. I've added the ability to process files other than MPEG files (such as WMV or most AVI files). It will convert audio in these files as well as fix problems with the video by scaling to 720x480 and converting frame rate to 29.97. When fixing the video, it will transcode the files to the ubiquitous MPEG2 format to play on the server (so don't process files you don't want to have re-encoded).
The new version also adds the ability to read in media from a DVD. When you drag a VIDEO_TS directory (from hard disk or DVD disc) onto the utility it will parse the menu structure and give you a dialog to select any set of programs on the disc to extract. The DVD is extracted to the temporary directory and then saved to the output directory. The dialog allows you to specify a name (you can put a Cablecast Show ID in the beginning of the name) which it uses to generate a final output name.
Sounds likely you don't have an MPEG2 codec for Quicktime.